Trump Show Trial # 1: It’s Way, Way Worse than Election Interference

Trump’s first “criminal trial” is starting to wind down. It’s a disgrace to call it a trial. The things he’s charged with are not crimes, and nobody claims they are crimes. Many male celebrities have paid “hush money” to quiet false or true rumors about their personal lives. The prosecution of Trump is criminal, not anything he actually or allegedly did.

We all know what he’s on trial for — his ideas. The moment someone is put on trial for his ideas, you can be sure the society you live in is no longer free.

It’s worse than election interference, even though it’s that too. Trump is being made an example. The powers that be (in both parties, throughout all our government, the corporations, the schools and universities) want to convey to the little people: “Don’t go there. Don’t challenge or question the things Donald Trump has challenged and questioned. Somehow, he became president for 4 years. Nothing like that will ever, ever happen again. If you applaud him, then you’re next.”

We have a Uniparty in D.C., and Trump challenged it for real. Look at the Speaker of the House. Supposedly a conservative Republican. Now he works openly with Democrats to pass all their totalitarian legislation. In exchange for this petty little twit getting to remain Speaker nominally, we get a DemCom Congress. For people to fall so quickly, they were never what you thought they were in the first place. Our government is beyond repair and beyond redemption because the ideas underlying today’s culture — group think, conformity, state run propaganda mills called schools, politically connected, rich elites controlling what should be free enterprise, woke madness, mindless adherence to the state — all these are the polar opposite of what made America great, and the polar opposite of what either an individual or society requires for its survival.

My best guess is that Donald Trump will either be found guilty of the charges, or — if he’s lucky — there will be a hung jury. Then on to the next show trials. But it shouldn’t have come this far. He shouldn’t have to rely on luck or on the whim of leftist Manhattan residents (who sit on the jury), the types who watch CNN or MSNBC, while reading the New York Times, and consider themselves (according to what they’ve told reporters) “apolitical.”

We are in a war. The leftists know it and treat it with breathtaking consistency and decisiveness. They win over and over, not because they’re rational or right or strong, but because they HAVE NO REAL OPPOSITION. Donald Trump was the only opposition they faced.

The first lesson of adulthood — for every individual, no matter what the circumstances — is that nobody is coming to rescue you. I don’t care if you like Donald Trump. Donald Trump is being made an example of by the people who intend to control you — unless you conform with everything that’s wrong, evil and stupid in our collapsing civilization. Once they finish with him, you can expect the American equivalent of Nazi Germany or worse. I am deadly serious; because I know they are. Until or unless you learn how to fight back for yourselves, the crazies in control will continue on their relentless quest to devour all things beautiful, sane and good.

The conservatives keep hoping for someone to come and rescue them. Many think faith and hope will be enough to conquer the tanks, guns, prisons and impoverishment of evil. No. You need action too — stronger and more decisive than the actions of your enemy.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Now They’re Saying Math is White Supremacy

“For the greater good” almost always means this will be bad for you.

–Spike Cohen


Math is white supremacy, according to a California-funded report, because it insists on obtaining “the right answer.”

“Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuates objectivity,” which is “a trait of white supremacy.”
(according to @eyeslasho on Twitter/X)

If you wish to annihilate civilization, spread this idea and convince enough people (especially young people) that it’s true.

If you wish to start race wars, create strife and spread untold envy, hatred and suffering, and to break down all possibility for rational, coherent communication, then you must kill the idea of objective reality.

And: It’s working.

Leftists of the world … enjoy!

Climate Lockdowns are Coming

Climate lockdowns have been discussed by Democrats for several years. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced the Climate Emergency Act of 2021, co-sponsored by 62 congressional Democrats. The bill would “require the President to declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act, and for other purposes.” Allowing Biden to declare a climate emergency would provide … him with statutory powers that could be renewed should he gain a second term. The proposed Act reads like a communist takeover, demanding a “radically and socially just” plan to increase union membership, guarantee wages and benefits, promote social and environmental justice, expand the rainbow flag, and transition America to a carbon-free economy.

Last July, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, told reporters, “He [Biden] is going to do everything he can to take action. This climate emergency [decision] is not going to happen tomorrow but we still have it on the table.”

— The American Thinker

Whatever Happened to the ‘Free World’

According to Breitbart News, Cuba’s Communist government has sentenced a mother to 15 years in prison for filming a protest of Cuba’s dictatorship.

Old news for Cuba. But it’s coming to America. If Trump can be put on trial for protest, and jailed (as I predict he will be), then so can anyone. After Trump, it will continue with regular MAGA people. Then conservative Christians. Then economic conservatives. Then libertarians. Then — finally — leftists who annoy the faction in charge. It will happen because NOBODY is trying to stop them. Other than Trump, but he’s going to be jailed. They know it’s imperative that they make an example of Trump. So start thinking about how you plan to handle the demise of your freedom, if you remain unwilling to fight or take ANY risks for it. With things this big, NOT taking risks is the biggest risk of all. If you don’t yet see this, you will learn.

In a similar vein, a German politician Marie-Therese Kaiser was just convicted and fined more than $6,000. Her crime? Merely posting online statistics that show Afghan immigrants disproportionately commit sexual assault in Germany.

Germany is part of the “free world”, you say? In Germany, freedom of speech is gone. You’re fined for voicing your opinion, even if it’s backed by fact, so long as it offends the authorities. It can’t happen in America, you say? It has already started. The word that has set our First Amendment on fire is “misinformation.” The rest is just a matter of time. Not much time, since the vast majority of us still labor under the delusion we will always be free.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Trump Looks to Take the Oxygen out of RFK, Jr

If the Democrats were an honest party, RFK would be cake walking to the white house right now, and I say that as a Trump supporter… had they nominated him, he would handily win the white house.

However, RFK, much like Trump, is not beholden to the globalist, uniparty oligarchy… so, he they pushed him out. In fact they lit up on him harder and faster than I haver EVER seen anyone get lit up.. calling him an existential threat almost immediately when he began getting press early in the cycle.

However, RFK cannot be president because he’s not on board with all their crap… Yes he’s a liberal, make no mistake about it, but he’s NOT owned, lock stock and barrel by the system and its backers… so, why replace a complete puppet that has no idea what is going on or where he is, with someone who’s not on the team?

At this point RFK independent run is looking like its going to be the largest independent vote grabber since Perot, only this time, the majority of this vote will be coming from previous Biden supporters.

Trump is wise to do what he can to minimize RFK’s appeal, he’s a died in the wool liberal, but his general campaign messaging is almost exactly the same as Trumps… Basically RFK is offering the same “Government’s not working for you, and I’ll make sure it does” messaging. RFK uses more intellectual terminology like “captive agencies” and such, but at the end of the day he’s saying the same thing.

I don’t see many conservatives moving to RFK, however, the disenfranchised and fed up democrats who will vote for Trump and a lot of independents will be open to voting for him.

I don’t see any math where in a 3 way race, RFK is not more of a net negative to Biden, however, he certainly will draw some voters who would be for Trump if RFK isn’t in the race, so, Trump is wise to do what he can to minimize this segment, and work to maximize the other one.


The Party of Death to America

There was, if hazy memories recall correctly, a time when the Democratic Party was merely an alternative to the Republican Party and not a threat to the country. Those days are gone. Today’s Democrats are in the business of wracking, ruining and razing.

The Biden administration, says former Hawaiian Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, is “​​destroying the foundational, fundamental elements of our country and what it means to be an American.”

Speaking recently to Dave Rubin of the Rubin Report, Gabbard noted that “we have seen now consistently throughout his entire administration over these last three and a half years, consistently pushing policies that undermine our freedom, that make our country less safe and less secure, and that is very quickly unraveling and” wrecking the backbone of the country.

Though Gabbard left the party not even two years ago, what we’re seeing is not new. The political left, says author David Horowitz, has long been filled with radical activists who “cannot be negotiated with.”

“There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America,” says Horowitz.

While there were Democrats in the 1960s and 1970s, and a few in the 1980s, who were centrists in both name and deed, the party is now owned by this “Neo-Nazi Left.” The takeover (or was it a willing surrender?) is complete, having reached the point that today Democrats are closely aligned with terrorists. In 2024, they are:

– Refusing to demand that university officials stop the on-campus threats to Jewish students.

– Going soft on pro-Hamas protesters, some of whom kept pamphlets calling for “death to America.”

– Funding those protesters.

– Calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza war, which Hamas will break again just as it did on Oct. 7.

– And bullying Israel while treating the terrorists who invaded that country as if they’re a voting constituency.

Mark Levin, author, talk show host and chairman of Landmark Legal Foundation, wrote a book last year about the party’s war on this nation’s values and foundations. Levin said it was important for him to write “The Democrat Party Hates America” because “the 800-pound gorilla that is responsible for virtually every single cultural, political, societal confrontation that we have is the Democrat Party.”

And why is this the case?

“Because,” he says, “the Democrat Party is built on hate.”

The evidence is in schools that teach students that the U.S. is a murderous, racist nation built on stolen land and slave labor; in the media and entertainment realms, where “news” and show business productions are intended to turn Americans against the Western ideals of liberty and civil society; and of course in the politics of the Democratic “squad” that is made up of lawmakers hostile to the country yet has been allowed, in some cases encouraged, to aggregate more power in the party.

Even Elon Musk, who in the past voted “overwhelmingly” for Democrats, recognizes that they “have become the party of division and hate.”

What they want is a new America that is nothing like the country the founders gave us and would more closely resemble an authoritarian state ruled by, yes, the Neo-Nazi Left.

Editorial Board, Issues and Insight

Hope and Rights

Lysander Spooner: “Individuals have the inherent right to defend their life, liberty and property by any means necessary.”

Individual rights override government “rights.” Government has no rights, except when upholding the rights of the individual to life, property and liberty.

Crony Communists are just mobsters, not a legitimate government. They have ZERO moral authority. Yes, for now they have the guns, the courts and the prisons. And the massive bureaucracies. But without moral authority, and without the respect of any thinking person, eventually they’ll have quite a problem on their hands.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Altruism Can’t Beat Homelessness

With an estimated 75,500 homeless individuals in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles mayor is calling upon “the most fortunate” to donate to a new housing program called LA4LA. The mayor stated that the program’s success will depend on the “humanity and generosity of the private sector.” The mayor is counting on altruism—self-sacrifice for others—to end homelessness in Los Angeles.

What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.

Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice—which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction—which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good.

Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not give a dime to a beggar. That is not the issue. The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime. The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you. The issue is whether the need of others is the first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence. The issue is whether man is to be regarded as a sacrificial animal. Any man of self-esteem will answer: “No.” Altruism says: “Yes.” [Ayn Rand, “Faith and Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World,” Philosophy: Who Needs It, 61]

One of the chief weapons used by the advocates of altruism is guilt. Because nearly everyone embraces altruism as the moral ideal, altruism’s advocates frequently use guilt to motivate individuals to sacrifice. The mayor is counting on the wealthy to feel guilty for not participating in what she calls an “unprecedented partnership.” She is counting on them to feel guilty for not donating their “fair share.”

While many will succumb to the mayor’s call for sacrifice, at least one California resident wants no part of it. Model Kristen Louelle Gaffney is moving to Tennessee, in part because of LA4LA. Gaffney said that she has “had to struggle and to create my own opportunities through hard work and education. Why should somebody have a piece of my hard work?” The answer offered by altruists is: she has a moral duty to sacrifice for others.

Gaffney did not explicitly reject altruism. Indeed, she went on to say that single mothers, veterans, and the elderly should be targeted for government programs that help the homeless. However, she did assert her right to the wealth she has earned, and she deserves credit for that. She recognizes the fact that nobody has a claim to her money.

LA has spent billions attempting to address the city’s homelessness problem, and yet the number of homeless continues to grow. Altruism hasn’t ended homelessness because altruism can’t end homelessness.

At the most fundamental level, the affordable housing crisis, of which homelessness is a part, is an issue of supply. The demand for low-cost housing far exceeds the supply. The solution to a supply shortage isn’t more sacrifice. The solution is more production. The solution is to free housing producers so that they can build the housing that Californians want and need.

A primary cause of the outrageous cost of housing in California (along with everything else) is the state’s draconian regulatory regime. Land-use and environmental regulations prohibit or greatly restrict development on much of the land in the state, particularly along the coast. Single-family zoning makes it impossible to build higher density housing, i.e., affordable housing, in most urban and suburban neighborhoods.

But’s LA’s mayor says nothing about repealing the regulations that make it impossible to build affordable housing. Instead, she wants another government program founded on altruism. Like all such programs, LA4LA will be a colossal failure because altruism can’t end homelessness.

Brian Philips, Capitalism Magazine

Why Inflation is the Perfect Way for the Left to Destroy America

“The road to hell is paved with Ivy League degrees.”–Thomas Sowell

The government can only tax us so much. Morally, it would have no problem taxing everyone (except its cronies) 100 percent. But even the Commiefascists are not stupid enough to think that will work. They tried that in Soviet Russia and Maoist China, after all.

Government craves unlimited funds to do unlimited things — things which as a parasite, are required for its survival. Government is not benevolent. It’s a life-eating parasite on steroids. It needs money, and it can never have enough. So if it can’t take us at 100 percent, then it must do something. What does it do? Inflate the currency.

Because our currency is based on political fiat (thanks to the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the elimination of the gold standard, a century ago), it has the power to increase the money supply at any time. In order to run higher and higher deficits and an ever-higher national debt, the government increases the supply of money relative to the demand for money. That’s what inflation actually is: Not businesses getting mean. It’s a government expansion of the money supply higher than a free market would have required or permitted.

An especially dramatic example of this was during the COVID fascism era of 2020-21. Because the government shut down virtually all commerce for 1-2 years, the demand for money (and personal spending) naturally crashed. When you’re locked up at home 24/7, you don’t need to spend as much. But the government had to create emergency “relief” programs, to retain its popularity and control over people during the lockdowns. We already had an unsustainable debt and deficit before 2020. So the national debt was expanded even more, in massive amounts. This created a huge increase in the supply of money at a time when demand for money (thanks to the government shutting down the economy) was at an all time low. That’s when we saw the resurgence of inflation.

In theory, as the effects of COVID fascism end, then the inflation should decline as well. That’s kind of what we’re told. But this presupposes that the government cuts back on spending and borrowing, after the crisis. No such luck. The spending and borrowing has never been cut back and never will be cut back. In fact, the Biden regime calls for more and more and more spending. Republicans (aside from a handful of fiscal conservatives like Rand Paul) are delighted to go along with it. In fact, the COVID spending raised the bar for spending during normal times. A major example of this is the forgiveness of all student loans (which will happen no matter what the courts say). Another example are the growing, more serious proposals (now accepted by nearly all Democrats) to pay tens of thousands (perhaps even millions) to each and every black American as “slave reparations.” That would bankrupt and permanently destroy the American economy, via hyperinflation, literally overnight, if passed. To say nothing of the race wars that would probably ensue as white people now work as slaves to pay millions to individual black people.

The destruction of our economy through inflation is bipartisan. You cannot keep inflating and inflating and inflating the currency without consequences. Eventually, you’ll get what happened in Venezuela — a relatively vibrant, somewhat free market economy that went bust when hyperinflation reached unsustainable points. The hyperinflation reached epic proportions where most Venezuelans became impoverished, making the establishment of a dictatorship fairly easy. A similar thing happened in Argentina, over time. However, at present, Argentina has a government enjoying some success battling the hyperinflation. But if that government is voted out or overthrown, as sadly seems likely given the fact that even the American government is on the other side, then things will go back worse than ever in Argentina.

Only a free market, gold standard (as opposed to the Federal Reserve Chair), private property order is sustainable. Even with hampered capitalism, the free world flourished more than at any time in human history. All trends in the West and elsewhere point to economic controls, as far as the eye can see. Once hyperinflation sets in, nothing else will be possible.

As long as “democracies” and dictatorships refuse to let us have an economically as well as politically free system, then we’re stuck with the gloom and doom that need never have been part of the human experience.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Marx Still Reigns Supreme—But Why ?

Why and how did this angry, odious, insufferable fantasist become the intellectual lodestar for the global left?

This week, with the global celebration of May Day and with the ongoing protests on the nation’s college campuses, it is worth remembering that the man who largely inspired both was a hateful, intellectually shallow misanthrope, remembered by history and admired by jesters and dupes largely because of his odiousness.

The First of May is celebrated by socialists around the world, not specifically because of Karl Marx but to honor the anarchists hanged for the Haymarket Affair in Chicago in 1886. Nevertheless, this “International Labor Day” has very much become a Marxist tradition, formerly commemorated with parades and ceremonies by the Soviet Bloc nations and still very much acclaimed by those who still revere Marx and his communist ideology.

Marx is likewise celebrated these days in the pro-Hamas camps on America’s college campuses. The ideology of struggle expressed by the protesters is very much in the Marxist tradition. Reams of Marxist literature have been collected at various abandoned/disbanded protest sites around the country, most notably on the UCLA campus. And, of course, Marxist organizations and agitators have been front and center throughout the demonstrations. As the inimitable Mike Gonzales has repeatedly stated, noting that Marxism is always at the forefront of these types of protests: “The issue is never the issue. The issue is the revolution.”

The question is why. Why is Karl Marx, of all people, so adored and admired by the world’s angry and disillusioned youth? He was but one of hundreds of thousands of 19th-century communists and but one of hundreds of leftist intellectuals and theorists of his era. Why him?

The fact of the matter is that Marx was a loathsome person who hated nearly everyone and everything. He was aggressively lazy and didn’t have any knowledge of business, capitalism, or even any connection to the working class. As the late, great Paul Johnson noted, “the only member of the working class that he ever knew at all well, his one real contact with the ‘pro­letariat,’ was his household maid, Helene Demuth.” And so concerned was he with her plight that he forced himself on her, got her pregnant, denied paternity of her child, convinced Engels to pretend to be the father, and only met the child on one occasion.

More to the point, Marx was known by his friends, contemporaries, and even admirers to be a crackpot. Some of his erstwhile allies mocked his ideology as a quasi-religious attempt to replace Christian morality with something strikingly similar (Max Stirner). Some admired his ideas “in theory” but knew that they had no chance whatsoever to work “in praxis” (Ferdinand Lassalle). And still others candidly acknowledged that his economic schemes were borderline insane. Writing more than a half-century later, the renowned American leftist literary critic Edmund Wilson conceded that Marx’s foundational work, Kapital, “contains a treatise on economics, a his­tory of industrial development, and an inspired tract for the times; and the morality, which is part of the time suspended in the interests of scientific objectivity, is no more self-consistent than the economics is consistently scientific or the his­tory undistracted by the exaltation of apocalyptic vision.”

In short, Marx’s theories were a mess—and everyone knew it, even before World War I proved them so and forced a full-scale “revision” of the entire movement.

So again, why Marx? Why and how did this angry, odious, insufferable fantasist become the intellectual lodestar for the global left?

The answer is complicated, obviously, but can largely be broken down into three primary contributing factors.

First, Marx’s obnoxiousness proved to be an advantage as much as a liability. Marx was a bully. Indeed, he was among the most practiced and skilled bullies in the world. Anyone who dared to contradict him or to offer a competing theory of leftism was an open target for aggressive and hostile rebuttal. Marx attacked nearly all his one-time friends, including Stirner, Weitling, Bauer, and Feuerbach. He attacked the utopian socialists who preceded him. He attacked the anarchists who followed him. He attacked everyone, and he attacked them viciously and, for the most part, effectively. He successfully bullied all his potential competitors for intellectual supremacy of the left into submission or exile, often 

Second, Marx was a “revolutionary” in the sense that he advocated violent overthrow of the existing regime. Whereas many of his contemporaries were mere theorists or incrementalists, Marx favored bold, dramatic, society-transforming action. Indeed, he believed that a violent, destructive, and bloody revolution was a necessary component of the communist transformation.

Needless to say, such violent fantasies often appeal to the young and disaffected. Although most of Marx’s contemporaries favored the incremental establishment of their ideology, those who were especially antisocial and disgruntled with the status quo found his illusions of brutal heroism cathartic and enticing. Much the same is true today, as it was in the period between Marx’s and our own…

Which brings us to the third reason Marx is so revered today.

Among those who admired Marx’s call for bloody revolution was a singular psychopath who, when he was merely 17, saw his brother Sasha hanged by the Czar, who was exiled to Siberia when he was 25, and who spent much of the rest of his adulthood bouncing around and being thrown out of various countries in Europe for advocating violence in Marx’s name. That psychopath—known as Lenin—would eventually be given safe passage back to Russia by the German government, who rightfully anticipated that he would end Russia’s participation in World War I. Almost immediately after his famous arrival at the Finland Station in Petrograd, Lenin began consolidating power. In time, he would become the world’s first prolific mass murderer—thereby proving Marx’s augury of widespread bloodshed correct. He would also found, in March 1919, the Communist International (the Comintern), which he would use to place spies and Marxist advocates among the labor leaders in nearly every major nation on earth.

The rest, as they say, is history—ugly, brutal, repetitious, and painfully stupid history. Karl Marx was a crackpot with a shockingly poor understanding of history and economics. The same can be said of his multitudes of modern-day disciples. If they were otherwise, clearly, they wouldn’t be his disciples.

Stephen Soukup, American Greatest