Judge Moore

Mitch McConnell today warned Judge Moore that he will face an Ethics Committee grilling upon his arrival in the Senate. I have news for you Mitch. Judge Moore will destroy you and your parasitic Swamp suck-ups. He has iron balls. The Swamp is occupied by bullies and snowflakes. The only thing standing between bullies and snowflakes is a courageous person of virtue. He will humble you, crush his enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

The Big Picture: The Artful Dilettante’s Take on Presidential Debates

I’ve always been a “big picture” kinda guy. I would rather read a general overview of history than a detailed analysis of the Battle of the Bulge. I would prefer reading a concise, insightful summary of human nature rather than the most in-depth study of child development. I would prefer watching a Discovery Channel program on The Big Bang than one on the solar system. For me, the Big Picture is just more fun to think about than the little stuff. Continue reading

Victimhood: Some Thoughts on Roanoke

On August 26, 2015, a deranged black male who claimed he had been the victim of racism in the media industry, shot and killed two young, very talented and promising journalists in Roanoke, VA, at point blank range. Incidently, they were white. By legal definition, it was a hate crime. An act of violence motivated by racism or homophobia is a hate crime. But victimhood in this country evokes two completely polarized responses–by the political and media establishment, the criminal justice system, and the respective communities. Continue reading

Scottish Independence Referendum

American secessionists and states’ rights advocates are rightly disappointed by the outcome of the September 18 Scots Independence Referendum.  Given the decisiveness of the outcome, the result was probably never in doubt.  The Queen didn’t even have to break a sweat, in keeping with her lifelong abstinence from productive labor.  I’ll bet she’s never even broken a fingernail polishing the royal silverware.  But I digress. Continue reading

Thank You Letters

When I was growing up, my mother made me write and send Thank You notes to each and every person who ever gave me a gift—Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, graduation gifts, you name it.  It’s a habit I carried into adulthood.  When my wife and I were married, we had Thank You cards in the mail within a week of the occasion.  We have been blessed with a 17-year-old son.  Ever since he’s been old enough to grasp a pen, he has been sending out Thank You cards for every gift received on every occasion.  It’s only right and proper.  Common decency and etiquette demand it.  We must express our appreciation to those who have given to us. Continue reading

It’ll Take More Than Words

Conservative pundits and bloggers are fond of asking themselves in times of crisis or despondency, “What would Ronald Reagan do?” I’m afraid I have bad news for you.  We are well past the point of “What would Ronald Reagan do?” We have reached the point of “What would Samuel Adams do?” Continue reading

Charity vs. Welfare

Never confuse charity (benevolence) with welfare.  Acts of charity are volitional acts undertaken on behalf of fellow human beings.  We choose to help those we believe are deserving and freely determine the extent to which we are willing to help them.   Charity is undertaken voluntarily and never coerced.  It is motivated by compassion, never pity.  As charity is an act of free will, it is a virtue.    Continue reading