Dope Francis and a World Gone Insane

Pope Francis, pleading with his fellow Communist pal, Joe Biden, says: “Please, no more war.”

Sorry, idiot. This is what you get for supporting Green fascism, medical totalitarians, corrupt Chinese Communists, Bidenistas and radical, militant Islam. What did you expect? Peace?


Forcing people to wear masks, get vaccines, hand over their bank account passwords and their money, to give up their guns and to silence their opinions are all acts of violence.

People who support “Democrats” actually are voting for violence against innocent, peaceful citizens.


January 6:
Manufactured attack

Manufactured pandemic

We live in a world of B.S.

The MEDIA is the culprit.


Kamala Harris will go to Supreme Court. Pete Buttigieg will become VP.

Rumor — or nightmare?

When will we wake up from the nightmare?


“The idea of imposing universal peace on the world by force is a barbarian fantasy.”
– Garet Garrett


Republicans: Don’t let Biden appoint anyone to Supreme Court.

They are lawless, violenct and Communist.

Paralysis hurts them and can only help what’s left of freedom.

Is the Pope Catholic ?

In this first episode of the new show, The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses the ramifications of Pope Francis promoting population control guru, Jeffrey Sachs, as a permanent member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Aside from being militantly pro-contraception, Sachs is also co-author of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which promote abortion worldwide.

So, here’s the question: How pro-life can Francis possibly be, when he has no problem partnering with pro-abort population controllers?

Next up, Francis says the whole world must get vaccinated and the “peaceful protesters” who burned down Minneapolis are today’s “Good Samaritans”.

And guess what? Francis also called on Big Tech to crack down on your freedom of speech…and this was AFTER he’d rolled out the red carpet for Nancy Pelosi inside the Vatican. 

We’re getting to the point now where one cannot be a sincere Catholic and a defender of Francis at the same time, the two being mutually exclusive.

Michael analyses a recent speech by Pope Francis that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that this man has betrayed the Church of Christ and turned her over to radical globalists who are hellbent on building a New World Order out of the ashes of Christendom.

Plus, Michael provides an update on his family’s COVID recovery.

Link to video